Vehicles exempt from toll are vehicles not paying the toll for the use of Specified Road Sections. According to Section 3 of Act No. 474/2013 Coll. on toll collection for the use of specified road sections and on amendments and supplements to certain laws as amended, the vehicles exempt from toll are vehicles used by or for:

  • Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic and Police;
  • Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic;
  • Armed forces or civil units of the seconding state for the purpose of fulfilling service duties according to a special regulation;
  • Armed forces of the Slovak Republic and NATO;
  • Rescue forces of the integrated rescue system according to a special regulation;
  • Toll Collection Administrator;
  • Maintaining the Specified Road Sections;
  • Control of the toll collection by authorised persons;
  • Slovak Intelligence Service;
  • Corps of Prison and Court Guard according to a special regulation;
  • Financial administration according to a special regulation;
  • Forming the mobilisation reserves, at the fulfilment of duties according to a special regulation;
  • National Bank of Slovakia transporting money and other valuables according to a special regulation.


Vehicles exempt from toll with the liability of registration in the Electronic Toll System according to Section 10, Subsections 2 and 3 of Act No. 474/2013 Coll. on toll collection for the use of specified road sections and on amendments and supplements to certain laws as amended, are vehicles used by or for:

  • Armed forces or civil units of the seconding state for the purpose of fulfilling service duties according to a special regulation;
  • Rescue forces of the integrated rescue system according to a special regulation;
  • Toll Collection Administrator;
  • Maintaining the Specified Road Sections;
  • Control of the toll collection by authorised persons;
  • Forming the mobilisation reserves, at the fulfilment of duties according to a special regulation.


The operator of a toll-exempt vehicle is obliged to apply to the system operator for registration of the vehicle in the electronic toll collection system before starting to use the designated road sections exclusively at the contact point by filling in the registration form for the registration of toll-exempt vehicles.

All other rights and obligations of the Operator of the Vehicle exempt from toll are governed by the appropriate provisions of Section 10 of Act No. 474/2013 Coll. on toll collection for the use of specified road sections and on amendments and supplements to certain laws as amended.