The basic terms specified below concerning electronic toll collection for using the specified road sections are for information purposes only.
means the violation of the liabilities of the Vehicle operator according to the Section 28 Subsection 1 and Section 29 Subsection 1 of the Act No. 474/2013 Coll. on toll collection for the use of specified road sections and on amendments to certain laws as amended.
is defined as an uninterrupted part of Specified Road Section on which the detection of the Toll Liability of passing vehicles is performed. The Toll Section is usually demarcated from the border of the intersection constituting the beginning of the Specified Road Section up to the border of the intersection constituting the end of the Specified Road Section and vice versa. Every Toll Section is marked by a clear identifier, start of the section, end of the section and charged length of the section. The charged section length is a number data in km stipulated in the Decree of the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic No. 228/202 Coll. stipulating the sections of highways, expressways, 1st class roads and 2nd class roads with the electronic toll collection for the appropriate Specified Road Section and it is determined with the accuracy to thee decimal points regardless of the actual physical length of the toll section.
is the payment of an amount calculated electronically according to a vehicle category, vehicle emission class and the number of vehicle axles for the distance travelled on the Specified Road Section based on the data obtained from the Electronic Toll System.
the maximum permissible vehicle motor vehicle weight determined by the manufacturer in the certificate of vehicle registration.
according to the Section 2 Subsection 2 (h) of the Act No. 8/2009 Coll. on road traffic and on amendments and supplements to certain laws as amended is the total maximum permissible weight of the vehicle train consisting of a motor vehicle and a trailer(s) determined by the manufacturer in the certificate of vehicle registration.
is a set of systems and applications based on information and communication technologies and set of processes and activities focusing on the control of the toll payment liability and other liabilities according to the appropriate provisions of the Act No. 474/2013 Coll. on toll collection for the use of specified road sections and on amendments and supplements to certain laws as amended including the documentation of toll incidents and treatment of offences and administrative delinquencies in the toll collection area.